Anthony, Army Veteran

Anthony, Army Veteran When Anthony joined the Army in 1995, it was a last resort. Ultimately, it became the best decision he ever made.  Before becoming a Soldier, Anthony says he was having a good time, working as a stand-up comic and a musician, but he wasn’t building a future for himself. In the Army,…

Juan, U.S. Army Veteran

Photo: [Juan in the foreground, Jenny far left] Thanksgiving Day 2020, first time the family was able to touch, hug, and be in the same room with each other since they contracted COVID-19. “It was so great working with [HFMN Case Manager]. She was so detailed and patient–with a calming voice. She would tell us…

Tim, U.S. Army Veteran

Tim, U.S. Army Veteran Tim, a young veteran, served active duty for both the U.S. Army and National Guard. His military experienced taught him discipline, punctuality, and most importantly what it means to be a leader. Tim currently works as a general contractor—supervising remodeling, building, and renovation projects. However, like so many others, the COVID-19…

Channelle, U.S. Army Veteran

Channelle, U.S. Army Veteran Channelle is a United States Army Veteran who reached out to Home Front Military Network (HFMN) not knowing what kind of assistance she needed but knew she was in need of guidance. “I wasn’t sure if you [HFMN] could even help me. I saw Home Front Military Network [on a magnet],…

Sally, Mother of Iraq Veteran

Sally, Mother of Iraq Veteran Sally is the mother of Michael, an Army Veteran who served in Iraq between 2006 and 2008. Michael suffers from a traumatic brain injury and post-traumatic stress after being involved in explosions in Iraq and watching fellow Soldiers die on the battlefield. Michael also lost a brother, who took his…